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Autism Consulting Service
Company Profile
Autism Consulting Service has been offering its services to individuals, families, schools and organizations which are involved with autism since 1991. The main focus of the organization has been to use of the words and experiences of those on the autism spectrum to understand autism clearly and to develop effective methods of care. All of our services are based on the standard of "FIRST DO NO HARM". Since we believe that we are working with a group of people who are already in trouble it doesn't make any sense to add more trauma to their lives in any form.
Our search for understanding autism from within has been an exciting journey as we have pieced together the puzzle of autism, one concept after another throughout the years. We are excited to announce that we believe that we have recently discovered the last piece of the puzzle of autism. This website is our attempt to share what we have learned with the world.
In 2005 we came to the end of this journey and started a new one when we were introduced to quantum biofeedback. We use a device called a SCIO to provide energetic frequencies to the body so that it can return to the point of healing itself. In the beginning we intended to focus our work with the SCIO with those on the autism spectrum. We quickly learned that others were interested in our work. We added a new service called SCIOPATHY which opens out doors to all.
Our Mission
To provide a clear understanding of the autism spectrum
To promote and establish environments where individuals on the autism spectrum can live with dignity and acceptance, freely being included in all of society.
To instill a sense of hope and promote higher expectations in family members, caregivers and anyone else who works with individuals on the autism spectrum.
To offer our services to improve the health and welfare for all who are affected by autism.

Our People
Gail Gillingham Wylie, owner and operator of Autism Consulting Service has a Masters of Science degree in Individual, Family and Marital Counseling and is also a certified biofeedback therapist. She started working in the field of autism in 1988 as a group home supervisor after receiving her Bachelors degree in psychology. She remembers well the frustration of having
to deal with the extreme behaviors of individuals on the spectrum with no understanding of why they were reacting like they were. Listening to the professionals didn't seem to help so Gail changed her focus to listening to those who have autism. This lead to understanding autism in a completely new and different way and developing methods of care that were based on the real needs of those on the spectrum, instead of what we are looking at from the outside. She has published three books on her methods Autism Handle with Care, Autism a New Understanding and Just so Happy as well as co-editing a third: Sharing our Wisdom with Dr. Sandra McClennen of Michigan.
Gail was a member of the Board of Directors of the Autism National Committee and edited their newsletter: The Communicator for three years.
Gail's husband Clayton Wylie helps with sales, workshops and is also currently a biofeedback therapist.
Contact Information
1 780 651 0946
Located in
St. Albert, Alberta, Canada
Electronic mail: exgr@shaw.ca
Time passes and each of us age, day by day. in 2014, we decided to close our office on Kingsway in Edmonton and move everything home to St. Albert. However, we want to continue sharing all we have learned over the last 30+ years with those who need it. October is Autism Month here in Alberta. We are planning to host a one day presentation on how best to live and work with those on the autism spectrum for families and professionals in the field . For more information see
On facebook??
Feel free to join our group:
Autism Hable with Care
Just added a new section called Insights of the day - a blog of sorts: