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Autism Protocol Outcomes
Have cleared approximately 100 individuals with autism since I developed this protocol in 2008, with positive results in all cases. Having difficulty finding the time to collect the information and to write it up to share with you, so please have patience.
Symbols: Month and year= the month that the SCIO protocol was completed. Year = year of birth, M or F = gender, SC = SCIO client which indicates that this person has SCIO sessions before having the autism protocol done, SC+ = a client who is continuing to receive SCIO treatments at present. O or LD = type treatment: in office hooked directly to SCIO or through long distance.
SUBJECT # 1: February, 2008, 2001, M, SC, SC+, O
Subject was able to say one word when prompted but did not initiate speech on his own. In an specialized autism classroom. Did not appear to be able to read or comprehend. Not printing or writing. Had a lot of meltdowns at school which included aggression to others when overloaded with anxiety. History: Had been receiving early intervention services from a young age which included ABA (IBI) type of treatments which were discontinued after a short period of time, Speech therapy, OT, PT, NAET and many different supplements which make claims to help those on the autism spectrum. Was exposed to black mould at an early age, along with the rest of his family. He almost died of this exposure and now is extremely sensitive to fungus and moulds.
Clearing took place in early February 2009. Changes were noticed immediately. He was watching a movie about the ocean while I worked on the SCIO. His mother left to go to the bathroom. Suddenly he spoke up "Gail, Gail, turn around. You have to see this, Gail." He had never addressed me by name before and I had never heard him speak in sentences. I turned to look at the screen. The walruses were farting. #1 shared this humour with me just like any other boy of his age. That afternoon he went to school and engaged in conversation with other students while his teachers looked on in amazement. I was present when members of his family first experienced the changes and were delighted to engage in conversation with him. They shared their previous experience of trying to converse and only hearing one word, or nothing. There has been no regression for #1 in the following months. He is now able to share his feelings and spoken knowledge with others and is beginning to draw, colour and to write. Admits that he is terrified of failure and prefers not to try rather than do things wrong. Much calmer in all situations. Meltdowns due to anxiety overload are no longer happening as he is able to verbally share the anxiety he is feeling with those around him.
Has continued to receive SCIO treatments on an irregular basis throughout the following months, when exposed to either moulds or viruses.
SUBJECT # 2: February, 2008, 2005, M, SC, SC+, LD
Subject showed a number of autistic behaviours from birth which included a fascination with fans, slow development in many areas, had begun to line up his toys rather than play with them, fascination with balls and with trains, no real effort to initiate speech unless prompted. Would slam his head into walls, floors and/or tables when frustrated. Did have a vocabulary of about 10 words he would say if prompted. No diagnosis of autism but his paediatrician had suggested that he be referred to the specialists at his last check-up. Chose to try the autism protocol instead. History: no specialized treatments at all, due to his lack of diagnosis and age. Had a problem with his eyes crossing from birth on and was already receiving SCIO treatments for eye muscles before the autism protocol was done. The surgery that had been suggested to solve this problem has not taken place and the eyes are no longer crossed. Chooses to eat a limited diet and was not toilet trained until he was 4.
Cleared of the viruses in February of 2008. His parents left for Las Vegas the day after he was cleared, leaving him in the care of his grandfather for 4 days. When they picked him up he was speaking in full sentences and told them everything that he had been doing while they were gone. This level of speech continues to date and it is so thrilling to hear him share his knowledge, his desires and his feelings so clearly with us. There are no longer any incidents of head banging. He no longer lines up his toys. Still prefers balls and trains (especially Thomas) but plays normally with other toys such as cars and planes. Started pointing while communicating all on his own. Has also become much more social with adults and children.
Completed the miasm and chromosome part of the clearing in December of 2009 when we went back and checked his records and realized it was not complete. At the end of the clearing, when asked if the autism was cleared from the body, the response was NO. When asked if we has missed a virus, a chromosome or a miasm, the responses were no. When asked if birth trauma was another cause of the autism the response was yes. Severe birth trauma occurred when the mother was administered an epidural accidently into her spinal fluid, shutting down her whole body. She was hooked machines to keep her alive while a caesarean was administered. He had no contact with her for a couple of days as they had problems reviving her after the operation. When asked if it is possible to totally alleviate effects of the birth trauma on his body, the answer is NO. The most noticeable indication of the birth trauma extreme is separation anxiety when his mother might leave him.
No noticeable signs of autism at this point other than choosing a limited diet.
Has continued to receive SCIO treatments based on the schedule suggested by the SCIO. This is usually once every 4 weeks.
SUBJECT # 3: March, 2008, 1988, M, SC, LD
Subject experienced his first seizures when he was still in his high chair and was heavily medicated for epilepsy until age 5 when his parents heard about a dietary treatment for epilepsy. He has been on this specialized diet ever since without medication. He was diagnosed with autism at age three. Spent his school career in specialized classrooms with little indication that he was either learning or comprehending anything. No speech. Used pencils, etc. to draw the same pictures over and over again. Became very destructive during puberty and was placed on a number of psychiatric medications in an attempt to control his behaviours. The behaviours escalated to the point that his parents had to have him placed outside the home. Aggressive behaviours in a group home situation led to his being placed in a lock-up situation for extreme conditions where he had his own room and area to relax. Spent the majority of his time alone with staff at a distance in order to protect themselves.
I got involved with him through his mother in June of 2007 at which point we began SCIO sessions. He was on 5 different psychotropic medications at this time. Saw a reduction of anxiety and a reduction of the extreme behaviours through these sessions but no real change in the level of autism. The decrease in destructive and aggressive behaviours led to a decision to gradually reduce the psychiatric medications as directed by his doctor. Down to one medication by March 2008.
Cleared of autism in March of 2008. The day after the clearing was complete experienced a grand mal seizure, the first he has had since he was a small child. This may be due to a different understanding of what seizures actually are. Although the typical response to a seizure is that it indicates a problem that must be fixed and/or monitored, people who work through cranial sacral believe that seizures are the brains attempt to heal itself. #3 has not had a seizure since this one occurred. He immediately began to reach out to his staff and his family members in a social way, preferring to stay in the TV lounge area of the building with the rest of the residents and staff members instead of staying alone in his hallway, or inviting staff members to join with him in activities at his table. Single words began to appear as communication and he also began to print out words to communicate. Plans were in place to move him out of the lock-up situation, back into a group home. A lack of time on my part to collect more information on this case leaves us here at this point. Will be updating this subject when I have the time to speak with his mother.
SUBJECT # 4: April, 2008, 13, M, SC, SC+, O
This subject received his diagnosis of autism at age 3. He could speak a few words but could not use them for meaningful communication. A large boy whose main challenge in the moment was not attending school. He would absolutely refuse to either get ready for school, or get on the bus when it came to pick him up. His mother was at her wits end as his father was working out of town, so not there for support. She had been injured in a vehicle accident so did not have the strength or energy to either force him to go to school or deal with him throughout the day.
History: his parents tried the intravenous secretin treatments when he was 3 which led to his first words but this was discontinued when no other changes were noted. He was involved in an ABA (IBI) type of therapy as a preschooler and fully included in regular school classrooms with his own para professional throughout his school years from kindergarten on. The longer he went to school, the more and more time was spent out of the classroom due to his behaviours. Secretin was reintroduced at a transdermal level at age 8, which led to a decrease in behaviours in the home and an increase in communication efforts using one word, PEC symbols, repetition of videos and songs, and body language but none of these were very effective. He finally had a para professional in grade four who believed he was intelligent and began to teach him as if he was (for example the novel she shared with him was Stevenson's Kidnapped). He responded with enthusiasm and was able to prove to her that he was reading, began to write and also work on the computer with her. Sadly she didn't stay in his life long. # 4 had 5 initial treatments on the SCIO in the summer of 2005 with little change noted. Started monthly treatments during the winter of 2007 when the school issues began to surface which resulted in a decrease of anxiety, but little other change.
Cleared with the autism protocol in April of 2008. The first change noted by the parents, which happened within days of the clearing was that he would get up at 6 AM every morning, knock on his mother's bedroom door and say "school, one more day" and then would get ready for school and get on the bus without any problem. This continued on until the end of the school year. The second change noted was his interest in socializing with children who came to visit his home. For the first time in his life he made the attempt to interact with them, sharing his toys freely with them and playing with them like a typical child. A third change which delighted his mother was his willingness to sing along with her when they were on car trips. He has always been fascinated with music and this showed her that he knew all the words to the songs he listened to. His family moved during the summer with his father and sister leaving first while he and his mother stayed and packed up the home. He helped with packing and would talk on the phone with his father for the first time in his life, telling him what he was doing. There was no resistance to the move, and he willingly gave me a full hug when they came to my office to say good bye before they left. A current update from his mother states "#4 is the best I have ever seen him... He is eager for school, participates in special Olympics, and does chores at home. You should see how happy he is to do his homework!! He has developed the reputation of the class clown this year, as he is finally able to share his sense of humour with his teachers and fellow students."
#4 continued to have monthly SCIO sessions throughout the months that followed the clearing. We focused our efforts on repairing the pancreas and the adrenals. There was one week of heightened agitation in the fall which we attributed to a build up of secretin in the body. The agitation decreased when treatments with transdermal secretin were suspended and has not returned. #4 had his last session in November of 08.
Subject # 5: July, 2008, 1996, F, SC, SC+, LD
Subject # 5 has been on the SCIO on a monthly basis since I first started this work in July of 2005. There has been a general decrease in anxiety over that time with a report from her mother after Christmas, 2005, stating that this was their best Christmas since her diagnosis as she wasn't overwhelmed throughout the season. Had some words but did not use them effectively. History: mother reviewed all the autism treatments available and chose to go with 2: the gluten/casein free diet and the Options method which they have been involved with since she was 5. Has been in her own segregated space at school where she is educated using the Options Methods and also is involved with Options treatments in her home.
Cleared in July of 2008. Big changes were noted at school in September where she suddenly seemed to "get it". In the past 5 months she has shown that she is reading and comprehending at a peer level, is able to do math, and is writing on her own. An educational specialist observed her in December and stated that this is the biggest improvement in a child with autism that she has ever seen. She is now engaging in conversations with peer level children when in a quiet environment (for example when driving with her mother and one other child). She is also able to share her feelings and desires with her mother. One of the major differences her mother has noted is her tendency to initiate questions with another person. For example going in the kitchen and asking her brother what cereal he is eating. A current problem is the segregated classroom she attends. She is resisting going to school, stating that she doesn't want to be in that classroom any more. Plans are in progress to include her in the regular classrooms as much as possible, even if that does not meet with the Options Treatment Plan which her mother is so focused on. I spent time with her in a public venue in July of 2009, the type of situation in which she would have shown highs signs of agitation (pacing, repeating phrases, etc.) in the past. She was completely calm, answered questions and initiated conversational topics on her own with absolutely no outward signs of autism.
Continues to have SCIO session on a monthly basis. Is also getting treatments in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber and chelation.
Subject #6: November 2008, 1980, M, SC, SC+, O & LD
Subject is an adult male who lives in a group home situation. Verbal, in that he was able to speak, but unable to share thoughts and ideas, or to take part in a conversation with another person. Showed agitation in most situations by talking to himself and/or pacing. History: Diagnosed with autism as a preschooler. Spent his years at school in a segregated setting in which he was not exposed to a peer level education due to the belief that he also had mental retardation with his autism. Aggressive behaviour led to the use of a variety of psychiatric medications throughout the years, none of which showed an improvement in autistic symptoms. Mother bought her own SCIO to work with him in 2006. He reacted positively to the treatments right from the start and asks to be put on regularly. These treatments led to a decrease in his level of anxiety but not in his autistic symptoms. His doctor agreed to take him off Paxil in August of 2008 due to the decrease in anxiety but he continues to be on one other psychiatric medication: resperidol.
Cleared in November of 2008. First real change appeared to be a negative as he could not sleep because of the need to go to the bathroom. Took us quite a while to realize that there was nothing wrong, but instead, that he was feeling the urge to urinate for the first time in his life, as he was no longer in shut down most of the time. He was afraid to go to sleep in case he wet the bed. Once this was explained as natural to him, he began to sleep again.
The second change was his ability to share his recognition and concern of the emotional states of others. For example one day he asked his mother "Mom is there something wrong with you? Are you sick? Are You tired? His mother replied "why do you ask me that. His response "because you look tired. This type of interaction continues on a daily basis.
A friend of the family commented that the biggest change she has noticed since he was cleared is his interest and ability to have a real conversation with another person, instead of the repetition of words that he used in the past. His mother claims that he is now initiating trips into the community, something he avoided in the past due to the amount of stimulation and resulting agitation. Last week he phoned his mother and asked to go to a movie with her. She told him that it was too cold and that they would go when it warmed up. He phoned a few days later to tell her that the sun was shining and it had warmed up and now they could go to a movie. She agreed. This is the first movie he has made it through without agitation. They also went shopping together after the movies, again without agitation. On the way home he told her that he enjoys hanging out with her. Then he said "I love you Mom. You mean a lot to me, Mom."
A former staff member has recently returned to his group home after an extended maternity leave. She is absolutely astounded by the difference she experiences with #6. She explains it this way: "I no longer 'work" with #6, I am with him....we share the day together like I do with my friends and family. In the past he was so distant, repeating his dialogues and pacing all the time. Now he sits beside me as we watch a movie together and we discuss what is going on in the movie. He is a totally different person. Currently #6 is currently asking to be taught to read, something that was never focused on in the "special education" classrooms he was part of and is stating that he does not believe that a group home is the best place for him to live. He continues to ask for SCIO treatments and is treated regularly.
Subject # 7: Cleared January, 2009, 1949, F, SC, SC+, LD
Subject is a SCIO practitioner who has never been diagnosed with autism, but who decided to check it out on the SCIO as there was autism in the family. Labelled a "shy" as a child and was constantly told that this was something that she had to "fix" on her own with no explanation how that might accomplished. This led to a lot of problems with social interaction. As an adult studied psychology and paid a lot of attention to the work of Jerome Kagan through which she realized that her body was reacting at a higher level than those of typical people which led to her reaction of withdrawing to protect herself. It was this withdrawal that was defined as "shyness". At that point she gave up trying to "fix" herself, focusing instead on accepting herself as she is.
During the clearing there came a particular moment when it felt like her body suddenly clicked into place. She describes it as feeling as the two halves of her body were slightly misaligned, and with a click they went into place. Since that moment she has a feeling of joy that permeates her whole being in a way nothing has felt before. This feeling is constantly with her. She also feels grounded and although she can become emotional or agitated on occasion, it takes very little effort for her to calm down again. She has noticed that when she exerts herself with physical activity she no longer feels hot, tried and weak, but is instead exhilarated. She also has noticed that she not as hot when sleeping as she was in the past and no longer needs the weight of heavy blankets in order to sleep. Now that summer has arrived a new difference has appeared. She finds that she can stay outside in the sun without any discomfort. In the past she claims that she always felt "sick" when she was in the sun and wore a hat to protect herself, which helped a bit, but found herself searching for shade whenever she was outside in the summer months. Now she has spent whole afternoons out in the sun without any discomfort at all.
A close friend noted that the only difference that she saw after the clearing was that the subject she was no longer "jangling" all the time. This comment has repeated by other friends and family members recently using the word "vibration". On a recent trip she noted that people seem to be far more accepting of her: smiling at her, approaching her to converse and calling her by name. She wonders if the lack of "vibration" has something to do with this.
The subject connected with us on her 1st year anniversary of the clearing. She reports that she continues to have the deep feeling of joy within and that she is much calmer, content and centered than she has ever been before. She describes the process through the year as being one of claiming more and more of herself as a person, no longer ruled by stress from the outside.
Continues to receive SCIO treatments on an irregular basis.
Subject # 8: October, 2008, 1959, F, LD
Subject is the mother of a child with autism who was diagnosed with Asperger's in her 40's. Was adopted at birth and has never had any contact with her biological parents. Her adopted mother died when she was 14. Subject had problems interacting socially all her life. As an adult she found it impossible to keep a job or to stay in a relationship with a man. She had two sons. The oldest was diagnosed with autism at age 3. Involved with social services throughout the years as questions were raised about her ability to parent her sons. When her husband left, he was awarded custody of their 6 year old son because of these questions. She finally began to understand who she is, as a person, when her oldest son was a teenager and together they searched for answers for his life. This led, in time, to her own diagnosis.
Cleared during the Autism Blitz in October of 2008. She has been on the SCIO once before during a demonstration but had not received any treatments. Noticed the first change during the week after the blitz. She described it this way. "All of my life I have said inappropriate things and it has gotten me into trouble. It was not that I didn't know that the statements were inappropriate. I knew that I shouldn't say them but at the same time, it felt like my head would explode if I didn't say them. And so I did. This week I was able to think them and tell myself that they were inappropriate and then stop myself from saying them. The feeling in my head is completely gone. People have been friendlier to me this week than they have ever been before."
One the problems that this subject had dealt with throughout her years as an adult was being totally overwhelmed by housework. If she got behind, which she always did, she had no way of dealing with the mess. This problem is one of the reasons that social services got involved in her life. She made every attempt she could to solve the problem, enlisting friends and professionals to work beside her, to teach her, to model the appropriate way to do things to no avail. Once the house reached a certain point of disarray it was if she was totally blocked from being able to deal with it at all. That first week she noticed a difference here too, in that she was able to focus on a small area of a room and clean it up without thinking about the rest of the room. At this point her house is spotless and she claims it is so easy to keep it that way. I asked for some before and after pictures to share with you but she doesn't have any of before.....because she was so ashamed of how she was living. She describes it this way "I feel nauseous even thinking about it. Have you any idea how much anxiety and fear was involved whenever someone would knock at the door before? Now....it's like c'mon in sit have a coffee - and there IS a place to sit lol. And a clean coffee cup!"
Subject #9: January 2009, 2003, F, SC, LD
This subject was not diagnosed with autism, but had a brother with the diagnosis and was beginning to have a lot of problems in the kindergarten classroom she was attending, showing increased levels of agitation when overwhelmed with sensory input. We decided to check and see if autism would come up for her. It did. Had experienced numerous other treatment modalities to this point in her life including NAET, PT, OT, and many different supplements in attempt to lower her level of anxiety in stimulating environments.
Cleared in January of 2009. This report came from the mother a couple of days after the clearing. "Subject is calmer. I asked her this morning, how are you doing today? She replied," oh mom, I just feel so happy, it is like the grumpy, angry me is all gone". I have not mentioned to her that she was on SCIO and have not talked about it in front or around her, so this came all on its own. Another major change was noted a couple of weeks later during gymnastics. Before being cleared the subject would attempt to do some of the routines with the rest of the class and then become very red in the face, and hot and tired and would go and sit down and watch from the sidelines. After being cleared she is able to do ALL of the routines without turning red, or becoming hot or tired and keeps active throughout the whole time, often leading the class in their routines. The calmness and happiness that were noted right after clearing continue to date and subject is no longer having any problems at kindergarten or grade one.
Subject #10. February, 2009, 2005, M, SC+, O
This subject was diagnosed with autism at age 2. Non verbal, experienced a lot of panic anxiety attacks whenever changes occurred, which might be as simple as turning down a different street while driving, or having his mother walk out the door before his father. History: involved with an ABA (IBI) type of program from his diagnosis on. Is on a gluten and casein free diet.
Began the clearing in June of 2008 but mother had reservations about something that appeared so simple doing something so major for her child. Returned to the SCIO in January of 2009 and the clearing was completed in February. At this point he runs down the hall to the office for his sessions, shouting "yippee", climbs into the chair and begins putting on the wrist bands himself and then sits for an hour and a half watching videos without a problem.
Currently using a lot of words, repeating them after hearing them, and also initiating them on his own. Has been heard to speak in full sentences at times. Shares both his own feelings and the feelings of the characters on the videos he is watching. Happier, calmer and interacts with others socially at a much higher level at this point. Able to deal with changes in his life without a problem. Greets me by name when he sees me and again when he says good-bye before he leaves the office, all with out any initiation from anyone else. Knows his whole alphabet, can identify each letter on it's own and is reading sight words.
Is continuing with SCIO sessions on a regular basis.
Subject # 11: October, 2009. 1954, F, Sc, Sc+, LD
Subject was institutionalized at as a child, back in the era when the psychiatric community believed that mental illness was due to cold parenting and that the solution was to remove the child from the home to protect her. No diagnosis at the time. Treatments focused on psychoanalysis (Freud) and some pretty heavy duty psychiatric medications. No improvement seen in her condition. Moved out of the institution into a "foster family" arrangement at age 18, where she continued to get worse. Finally convinced her family and social services that she would be better off in her own apartment. Did hold a job in a nursing home kitchen for several years but it was too much for her. Began her own search for answers and finally got some relief through a naturopath and changes in her diet. Diagnosed with autism in her 40's and finally was able to begin making sense of her life.
Volunteered to become my first research subject for autism in July of 2005 and I worked with her for a full year on a weekly basis. When we began she was living a solitary life, hiding out in her apartment trying to protect herself from stress, especially the noise of babies crying and of dogs barking. Terrified to go out into the community in case she met up with a baby and would end up in meltdown. Talked constantly on topics she obsessed with such as cathedrals and stoplights. If one wanted to get her to listen to something one would have to speak her name over and over again just to get her attention, and then remind her to listen because this was important in order to get her to listen long enough to get a small amount of information to her. Then it was back to the non-stop verbiage about her interests. Saw a steady decline in anxiety over time. Spent a lot of time working on the emotional trauma she had experienced in the institution and with the foster family. A major shift occurred within a couple of months when her topic of choice switched to planes, something she had been punished for talking about as a child. After the first year of treatments we switched to using the SCIO to determine the treatment (anywhere from 1 to 4 weeks). Later, another scio practitioner took over working with this client as I was having trouble finding the time to meet with her regularly.
Started the autism protocol in July of 2008, but did not get it complete until October due to time restraints.
Subject went out and found herself a job and is enjoying providing for herself instead of relying on social services and her family after she was cleared. She is reaching out to the community in a number of ways to build up a social network. Conversations now flow back and forth easily with little mention of her focus topics (currently trains), though they are mentioned from time to time they fit in the topic of the moment. Loneliness has become a major factor in her new life and she is trying to find ways to relieve it.
Subject still deals with some allergy issues but we continue to work on them. Continues with sessions on the SCIO regularly, on limited diet due to allergies.
SUBJECT # 12 July, 2008, 1980, M, SC+, LD
Subject was cleared during July of 2008. At that point he was living in a group home situation, and spent his time with a worker keeping "busy" through a typical day services plan of visiting the community, shopping, caring for animals, and so on. High levels of frustration and agitation on a daily basis which were indicated by the repetition of phrases in a high pitched voice, pacing, and so on. Was able to converse when calm, but this did not happen often.
The first major shift after the clearing that was noted was his ability to be around babies. All his life he had been terrified of babies (sound of their crying) and he would either beg to have them sent away or bolt away himself. The week after the clearing he was not only able to stay in the presence of babies but also willing to hold them, a very special treat as, the young men he has grown up with are now at the stage of early parenthood and he is able to share it with them.
Latest update: This subject is in the best "space" than ever for a long time - he is smiling, joking, and not complaining about pain - just "itchy eyes" which must be allergies right now." He is also sharing his feelings with others and can describe what is bothering him in the moment: for example: told his grandmother that he "wasn't feeling well because he was missing his parents", when they were on a trip to Europe. Currently working at 4 different jobs in paid positions, for the first time in his life. Has done volunteer work in the past, but now is being paid. Also turning a hobby of wood working into a money making venture. Living in a small community where he is accepted and looking forward to purchasing his own home and living independently.
Continues with monthly treatments on the SCIO.
Subject #13 October, 2008, 1967, M, LD
Subject #14 October, 2008, 1994, M, SC, LD
Subject #15 October, 2008, 1998, M, LD
Subject #16 July, 2009, 1990, M, SC, LD
Subject #17 October, 2008, 1995, F, SC, SC+, LD
Subject #18 October, 2008, 1996, F, SC, SC+, LD
Subject #19 October, 2008, 1997, M, SC, SC+, LD
Subject #20 October, 2008, 1999, M, SC, SC+, LD
Subject was diagnosed with autism at age three and immediately put into an early intervention program which appeared to make worse over time. Reported to be much calmer after the clearing. School reports in the following months indicated excellent progress in all areas.
Subject #21 October, 2008, 2004, M, LD
Subject is the younger brother of a child who developed autistic symptoms after vaccinations. His parents chose not to have him vaccinated, but were noticing symptoms developing over time. He was diagnosed with PDD-NOS at age four. Showed heightened reactions to sensory stimulation, lined up his toys instead of playing with them and although he could talk clearly, was unable to keep up a back and forth dialogue.
Subject was reported to be much calmer after the clearing, interacting with his siblings and parents easily. He no longer lines up his toys, is not having any problems in school and is able to hold a typical conversation with both adults and with his peers.
Subject #22 October, 2008, 2007, F, LD
Subject is the baby sister of a child who was diagnosed with autism. She was cleared of autism during the Autism Blitz. Parents chose to include her in the Blitz because there was a history of influenza in the family (her paternal grandfather was born during the 1918 flu epidemic) and because her mother had experienced a severe episode of flu during the pregnancy. Child was not talking at the time of the clearing although she was already one year old.
Subject was reported to be much calmer after the clearing. She continues to grow and develop like a typical child and is not demonstrating any symptoms of autism or any other developmental disability at this point. She has not had any other treatments on the SCIO, and is not receiving any other form of therapy at this time.
Subject #23 October, 2008, 1968, F, LD
Subject #24 November, 2008, 1984, M, LD
Subject #25 October, 2008, 1968, F, LD
Subject #26 October, 2008, 1990, M, SC, LD
Subject #27 July, 2009, 1987, M, SC, SC+, LD
Young man who was facing a return to school as an adult in the apprenticeship program of his chosen career. Had been on the SCIO as a regular client since the age of 18, when he was at the point of suicide and living a life of heavy partying using cigarettes, alcohol and marijuana as self medications. These treatments led to a change in life style as he stopped threatening to commit suicide, drew up a resume and found work. Continued to party on the weekends, etc. and to rely on the alcohol, etc. to deal with stress.
History: Subject had many difficulties with the school system as he grew up and was finally diagnosed with dyslexia as a teenager, for which he was treated through the Davis method. However this did not completely erase the stress he felt in the school system which led to him choosing to quit high school before he graduated. His mother noted that many of his difficulties centered around communication and social relationships so asked to see if autism would come up for him on the SCIO. It did and he was cleared in July of 2009.
Subject reported that he felt much more comfortable in a school setting after he was cleared and was able to ask for help from his instructor and work in cooperation with others in study groups for the first time in his life. He is no longer relying on self medication to get him through each day and has cut down significantly the amount of smoking and drinking he does on the weekends. Mother notes that he is more "solid", eating better, recognizing his need to get sleep in order to function at work, cooperating and completing the tasks she asks him to do in the home. He is also conversing at a higher level, not only talking about his own interests, but also asking questions and dialoguing back and forth with family members and guests. He deals with failure at a much calmer level. He has come to the conclusion that he needs to make a break from the "losers" he has been hanging around with since his early teens and is looking for activities to join in order to meet new people and develop real friendships.
Subject # 28 July, 2009, 1998, M, SC, SC+, LD
Subject # 28 was diagnosed with autism at age four, although the family claim that they had noticed differences from the day he was born. He showed all of the classic signs of autism which included delayed speech. As a baby he had intense screaming episodes for unknown reasons, and would stretch out his legs rigidly until his face turned red as if he was trying to get rid of something before he went to sleep. As he grew older he would ask his mother to rub his tummy at night before bedtime which they felt indicated he may be having gastrointestinal problems.
First was referred to the SCIO in 1996 because of high agitation levels and problems with sleeping. Refused to go bed and would throw things and be obnoxious towards his parents. Also complained of pain at least every few minutes.
The clearing took place in July of 2009. At that point he still exhibited high anxiety levels and needed to be told everything that is going to happen and what he can expect in advance to avoid meltdowns. He talked very fast and constantly, resulting in a lot of different subjects being discussed all at once with no coherent order. Repeats things over and over again. Conversation centres mainly on his own particular interests. Refuses to take pills of any kind. High levels of anxiety were indicated by repetitive behaviours.
The first change noted after the clearing was that he appeared to be more in control of his actions. Whenever he felt inclined to act out in an unacceptable way he quickly said "#28 has to make good choices, doesn't he". He was fairly calm, with few meltdowns, able to accompany his mother and sister in the community to places like the supermarket without a problem, and interacting at a play level with his sister who is 7. He began pretending to be a rock star, ending each so-called performance with a "thank you, thank you very much".
A visit from his grandparents found him relatively calm, with none of the excessive verbal behaviours he normally has when they arrive. Made good choices all afternoon and sat quietly between his grandfathers listening to their conversation. This is a major change as he has always stuck to his grandmother like glue when she was present, not allowing her to move or go anywhere, even to the bathroom, without him.
The family were so pleased with the changes that they took two mini holidays this summer, and did all the things so-called 'normal' families do (the malls, the parks, and so on) without any problems. #28 chose to attend a party with his sister during which he participated in all the activities for the whole time. He did have string and drinking straws with him to occupy his hands, but he took part with the other children, a first for him.
Conversational ability is improving. He is able to carry on a back and forth conversation now and stay on topic. He is also revealing his depth of knowledge and vast vocabulary; for example explaining that the water conditioner comes on automatically (stated clearly and accurately) as well as how keenly observant he is of the world around him.
Is no longer reacting hysterically when he sees a dog in the distance as he did before being cleared. Also is now tolerant of his uncles two dogs when he has to put up with their presence.
Heightened levels of anxiety were noted once school resumed this fall, but nothing to the extreme that they were before the clearing.
Subject # 29 August, 2009, 1955, F, SCIO+, O
Subject had difficulties throughout her childhood which are currently recognized as symptoms of Asperger's Syndrome, but was never given a diagnosis of any kind as a child. She has the most difficulty with her tactile system and cannot stand on her feet for any length of time without losing total contact with her whole body. She was institutionalized as a teenager. Was diagnosed with Asperger's as an adult on the same day her son was diagnosed.
Immediate changes that occurred after the clearing took place included a decrease in the amount of pain that she had in her neck area and her arm, which allowed her to limit the amount of painkillers she was taking on a daily basis. She also allowed a friend to touch her, receiving full back massages, the first time she has allowed anyone to touch her in this manner throughout her lifetime. Is currently attributing the changes she is experiencing to the decrease in pain as that is making the biggest difference in her day to day life.
No other changes noticed overtime so reviewed the case. When asked if the autism had been cleared from the body the answer was NO. We are finding that this happens at times. Not sure if the initial YES that comes is due to a resistance to change, or if once we clear one layer from the body, another deeper layer is revealed. Will update this report once the protocol has been completed again.
Subject #30 September, 2008, 1996, M, SCIO, LD
Subject was diagnosed with autism at age 3 and has gone through almost every kind of autism treatment available as his mother searches for "the cure". Was one of my initial autism spectrum clients in 2005, at which time we saw a definite decrease in anxiety, and the beginning of speaking in sentences, but not the major change we were looking for. Currently in a school setting which only teaches daily living skills.
No update from parents at this point but personal observation has noted that he is much calmer in social settings.
Subject #31 August, 2009, 1995, M, SCIO, LD
Subject did not have a diagnosis of autism, but was having trouble at school and at home with attention and anger problems. Family had a history of polio and parents interested in seeing what would come up for him when we shared what we were doing with him. SCIO confirmed that autism was present. Polio did come up as one of the viruses that needed clearing. History: no specialised treatment, raised as a typical child.
The first indication that this child had changed was the decrease in anger and and aggression. His ability to listen and take the concerns of others into the family into consideration increased. He also began to apply himself in the school setting for this first time in his life, claiming to enjoy being at the top of the class, after coasting for all the previous years. Has set a goal to attend university and if he continues on as he is now, he will make it. Claims he feels happier at all times.
Continues to receive SCIO treatments on an irregular basis.